Helpful Resources

Last updated: 04/30/2021

Free Downloads

Subscriptions for Incarcerated Individuals

A quarterly lesbian literary and art journal.

Educational Videos

A video by Columbia Legal Services based in Washington state, Antonio Ginatta, policy director, explains how the legislative process works concerning bills and how to more efficiently propose your own bill.

Helpful Links

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) provides information about housing, shelter, health care, and clothing resources in communities across the country.

Choose your state to view the floor proceedings concerning current bills that affect future and current laws.

A website that offers helpful advice and employment resources such as housing, re-entry, and a current job board for individuals that have a criminal record.

Resources, podcasts, news, events, videos, and opinion pieces for neurodivergent individuals and those who wish to better understand neurodiversity. 

Find legal help, lawyers, and consultations in all areas of law even if you don't know where to start.

Find available beds, services, and/or facilities in your area (homeless shelters, sober living, detox, showers, food banks, mental health, addiction treatments, etc). 

Mental health resources, crisis and suicide text and phone lines, housing and legal resources, support networks, family resources, mental health public policy, mental health training classes and resources, and more.

Writing contests and resources for free and incarcerated individuals. Mentorship program, prison writing fellowship, and a prison writing program. 

Opportunity for incarcerated individuals to receive financial aid for college.

Offers correspondence college courses and degrees for individuals incarcerated. Tuition rates are the same for residents and non-residents of Colorado.

Bypass certain required college courses, and the credit prices, by taking CLEP exams. Ask if the facility gives access to a testing center.